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The Learning Plan

The learning plan meeting is the time and place for you and your family to voice what you want to study, when and how. While the document is important, this meeting process is even more important. Be prepared to participate by doing 4 main things:


For your first meeting of the year, you and your team will share your cover sheet answers.
Be sure to discuss:

  • Your interests

  • Your life goals and priorities for learning

  • Your learning style

  • Any background needs you have (personal or technical)

  • Your current abilities in the school learning goals

  • The school learning goals as they relate to your work

  • Possible Learning Through Interest (LTI) sites

This gives you a chance to talk about yourself, hear other people’s ideas about your talents and skills, and figure out ways to fit your talents and interests into your Learning Plan.


With your team, you will make a plan for each quarter's  activities and projects. You’re the one who has to do the work, so make sure you speak up and get involved in the discussion and decision making!

  • What is the work?

  • What learning goal questions will you be working on, and how will you address them?

  • What resources will you use to help you with this work?

  • When will you work on this project?

  • What will you show your advisor along the way?

  • What evidence will you show at your exhibition?


Keep the most important things at the top of your Learning Plan, the least important things at the bottom.


  • You are pursuing your passion.

  • You’re comfortable with the projects and excited about them.

  • The plan seems realistic.

  • The work is challenging.


Your Learning Plan isn’t carved in stone; it is a living document — your plan will be used and checked regularly, and it can be changed. If your project changes, you aren’t stuck with the original Plan. Talk about your Learning Plan and projects regularly with your advisor. Be honest. If you are feeling overwhelmed, or if your projects aren’t challenging enough, do something to change it! Learning Plans are supposed to fit you, so if you aren’t comfortable with yours, don’t suffer in silence. Tell your advisor!! Make it work for you.